Fellowship Groups
慧賢團契(女士) Sisters Fellowship |
1st Monday of every month | 11am -1pm |
約書亞團契(男士) Brothers Fellowship |
1st Monday of every month | 11am -1pm |
迦勒團契(老友記) Seniors Fellowship |
2nd Tuesday of every month | 10am-12pm |
福音聚會 Evangelical Meeting |
Monday after the 3rd Sunday of every month | 12pm-1:30pm |
國語團契 Mandarin Fellowship |
Monday after the 4th Sunday of every month | 10:30am -12pm |
Norfolk華人好友歡聚聯誼 Gathering of Chinese Friends in Norfolk |
Monday after the 4th Sunday of every month | 12pm-1:30pm |
查經聚會 Bible Study |
Monday after the 4th Sunday of every month | 10:30am-12pm |
JOY團契(家庭) Joy Families Fellowship |
2nd and 4th Saturday of every month | 2pm-4pm |
但以理團契(大學生及初職) University students and young professionals’ Fellowship |
Every Friday | 6:30pm |
Coffee Morning | Every Tuesday | 9:30am -11am |
(Individual gathering times may change in different months, please inquire for details.)